Van Lanschot Kempen NV (ENXTAM:VLK) entered into an agreement to acquire online investment platform of Robeco investment funds from Robeco Asset Management on February 2, 2023.The transaction is expected to be completed in June 2023 and is subject to any regulatory approvals that may be required. Michiel Sträter, Raoul Huysmans and Niek Houterman of ING Bank N.V. acted as sole financial advisors to Robeco Asset Management. Ernst & Young Participaties B.V. acted as due diligence advisor to Robeco Asset Management.

Van Lanschot Kempen NV (ENXTAM:VLK) completed the acquisition of online investment platform of Robeco investment funds from Robeco Asset Management on July 1, 2023. Robeco Retail Nederland employees are now part of Van Lanschot Kempen. The combined Evi van Lanschot platform will continue to offer Robeco?s investment funds. Robeco?s clients will retain their current investments and continue to be able to buy and sell as normal.