Reliq Health Technologies Inc. announced that it has signed a new contract with a respiratory therapy clinic in Texas to add 10,000 new patients to the platform by mid-2024. Onboarding will begin in September 2023. Remote monitoring of asthma and COPD patients allows healthcare providers to identify early changes in lung function that can be easily treated at home with antibiotics, steroid inhalers or nebulizer treatments.

These early interventions help prevent complications like inflammation, bronchitis and pneumonia that can cause permanent lung damage and lead to length, disruptive and costly ICU stays. Under the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Remote Therapeutic Monitoring (RTM) program, physicians and respiratory therapists can provide RTM services, expanding Reliq's addressable market. The company expects to add over 10,000 patients to iUGO Care platform by mid-2024 through this contract, at $65 per patient per month at >70% gross margin.

Onboarding will begin this month.