27 January 2015 Roman Zholtikov is appointed director for capital construction of the company "Quadra - Power Generation"

Roman Zholtikov is appointed director for capital construction of JSC "Quadra - Power Generation" as from January 2015.

Roman Zholtikov was born on 28 September 1975 in Podolsk, the Moscow Region. He graduated from the Electric Energy Faculty of the Moscow Energy Institute.

In the period from 1998 to 2008, Roman Zholtikov rose from engineer to deputy head of the thermal power plants construction directorate of JSC "Tekhnopromexport." He then worked as chief of the capital construction department of JSC "OGK-1", deputy general director of Solar Projects LLC, Hevel LLC (group of companies Renova). In 2010-2014, he was deputy general director for investment and capital construction of JSC "TGC-2".

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