QTS Realty Trust, Inc. announced that Dr. Robert Laurine, Jr has joined its new Federal Advisory Board. The QTS Federal Advisory Board is composed of six thought leaders from the federal government, IT and cybersecurity industries, each with deep expertise in the public sector. As the marketplace continues to change dramatically, QTS will leverage the Board's insights to help shape its federal and government hybrid data center roadmap. Currently, Dr. Laurine is the Vice Chancellor and Chief Information Officer for the University System of Georgia. In this role, he oversees the technology solutions for the 26 public colleges and universities in the state. Previously, Dr. Laurine served as the Chief Information Officer for the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) where his responsibilities included enabling the power of geospatial intelligence (GEOINT) by leading NGA and the National System for Geospatial Intelligence (NSG) with planning, managing, and protecting GEOINT information technology, enterprise architecture, and standards.