Pushpay Holdings announced the appointment of Molly Matthews as Chief Executive Officer. Molly is currently Pushpay's Chief Customer Officer and will assume the Chief Executive duties from 1 March 2021. Molly will succeed Bruce Gordon who has been in the Chief Executive Officer role on an interim basis since June 2019. The Pushpay Board is delighted to welcome Molly to the Chief Executive Officer role. Molly was selected following an extensive external and internal recruitment process led by Pushpay's Nominations and Remuneration Board sub-committee. Pushpay announced the planned Chief Executive Officer transition at the Company's Annual Meeting in June 2020. Molly has held senior roles within Pushpay since joining the Company over four years ago and has excelled in leadership, strategic thinking, problem-solving, cultural development and advocating Pushpay's Customers' needs in decision-making. As the current Chief Customer Officer, Molly has a deep understanding of Pushpay's Customers' needs and the Company's primary target market, the US faith sector. As Chief Executive Officer, Molly will assume leadership of the Company's Executive Leadership Team. Molly has been with Pushpay for over four years and has been instrumental in helping to develop and maintain a smooth customer experience. Molly commenced with Pushpay as a Senior Implementation Manager, rapidly rising through Customer Success leading Pushpay's multi-award winning team as Director of Customer Success, VP of Customer Success and most recently Chief Customer Officer. She considers the Customer at the heart of every decision and is responsible for creating seamless touch points across the Customer journey.