Hitachi Metals, Ltd. hereby announces several personnel changes involving representative executive officers and executive officers decided at a board of directors meeting on February 1, 2019. The company appointed Koji Sato from Vice President and Executive Officer, President, Specialty Steel Company, General Manager, Technology, Research & Development Division, Deputy General Manager, Corporate Export Regulation Office to Representative Executive Officer and President and Chief Executive Officer. Akitoshi Hiraki from Representative Executive Officer, President and Chief Executive Officer, Director to Deputy Chairperson of the Board.

Kazuya Murakami from Executive Officer, President, Cable Materials Company, Deputy General Manager, Corporate Export Regulation Office to Vice President and Executive Officer. Hiroshi Watanabe from Executive Officer, President, Functional Components Company, Deputy General Manager, Corporate Export Regulation Office to Vice President and Executive Officer. Toru Taniguchi from General Manager, Automotive Components Business Unit, Functional Components Company to Executive Officer.

Hisaki Masuda from General Manager, Procurement & Value Engineering for Customers Division to Executive Officer. Toru Yamamoto from President and Chief Executive Officer, Hitachi Metals Tool Steel, Ltd. to Executive Officer.