Park Street Nordicom A/S reported unaudited Consolidated earnings results for the first half ended 30 June 2017. Net sales were DKK 82,026,000 compared to DKK 86,376,000 a year ago. Operating profit (EBIT) was DKK 48,296,000 compared to DKK 47,931,000 a year ago. Profit before tax was DKK 59,281,000 compared to DKK 7,495,000 a year ago. Profit for the period was DKK 52,654,000 compared to DKK 2,752,000 a year ago. Diluted earnings per share was DKK 4.42 compared to DKK 0.23 a year ago. Total cash flow from operating activities was DKK 5,255,000 compared to DKK 19,861,000 a year ago. Purchases of other property, plant and equipment was DKK 138,000 compared to DKK 1,619,000 a year ago. Cash flow per share was DKK 0.4 compared to DKK 1.7 a year ago. Earnings before value adjustments was DKK 2,071,000 compared to DKK 11,194,000 a year ago.

The company expectations for EBVAT (earnings before value adjustments and tax) at year-end 2017 is DKK 25 million - DKK 35 million before the inclusion of profits that are achieved or expected to be achieved as a result of cancellation of financial liabilities, etc., which is a reduction from previous DKK 30 ­ 40 million. The change is in view of delayed implementation of terms of financial restructuring and refinancing as agreed by banks. The increases in EBVAT compared to 2016 is based on the restructuring process being implemented from 1 July 2017, but the company's final profit for 2017 may be affected significantly either positively or negatively, depending on the outcome and timing of the restructuring process.