Mr. Iñigo de la Lastra
Head of Secondary Markets
CNMV Edison, 4
28006 Madrid
Quart de Poblet (Spain), August 29, 2014


Dear Sir,
In compliance with Article 82 of Law 24/1988, July 28, regulating the Securities Market and concordant provisions, NATRA SA hereby informs that its Board of Directors approved yesterday the main terms for the financing of the working capital of the company with two renowned international firms.
In recent years, and most notably in 2014, the international financial crisis and the strong speculative upward trend in cocoa prices have significantly affected the balance sheet of the companies and the profitability of the chocolate industry, a situation that has also influenced the evolution of Natra business.
This transaction involves a credit line of twenty-five million euros to fully balance the operational needs of Natra cocoa and chocolate business and protect its competitive strength in the international market.
The signing of this transaction is subject to the ratification of the agreement by Natra financial institutions, which should be formalized in early September.
This transaction means the first step in designing a more efficient debt structure in the long term, which the parties involved expect to complete in the coming months. Natra will inform on any progress and disclose the details of the transaction after its completion.
Natra has been advised by ING Bank and the law firm Uria Menendez. Yours faithfully,
Ignacio Lopez-Balcells
Secretary of the Board of Directors

Natra, S.A. - Oficina de Relación con Inversores y Comunicación

Edificio Master's 1 - Av. General Perón, 38 B, 5º - 28020 Madrid - Tel. (+34) 91 417 88 68 - Fax. (+34) 91 770 34 24

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