Højgaard Holding A/S revised earnings guidance for the year 2012. Højgaard Holding adjusts expectations for 2012 downwards due to downward adjustment in MT Højgaard. MT Højgaard, results will be significantly lower than expected.

A pre-tax margin of around -5% is now expected compared to a previous outlook for a pre-tax margin of -2% in the interim report for the third quarter 2012. Højgaard Holding A/S and Monberg & Thorsen A/S have therefore decided to strengthen MT Højgaard's capital base, liquidity and equity ratio by increasing the share capital by DKK 300 million in total, of which Højgaard Holding's holding of 54% amounts to DKK 162 million. The capital will be increased by means of cash payment.

As a consequence of the downward adjustment, the Højgaard Holding group's earnings expectations for 2012 are adjusted accordingly. The Højgaard Holding group thus now expects a pre-tax margin of around -5% compared to a previous outlook for a pre-tax margin of -2% in the interim report for the third quarter 2012. Revenue for 2012 is still expected to be slightly higher than in 2011.