Corporate Taxpayer's No. (CNPJ/MF) 08.078.847/0001-09

Company Registration No. (NIRE) 35.300.331.494

NOTICE TO THE MARKET Acquisition of Relevant Ownership Interest São Paulo, December 23, 2013 - LPS Brasil - Consultoria de Imóveis S.A. ("Lopes" or "Company") (BM&FBovespa: LPSB3), provider of integrated real estate brokerage, consulting and financing services in Brazil, pursuant to Article 12 of CVM Instruction

358/2002, as amended, hereby informs that it has received the correspondence below, from Constellation Investimentos e Participações Ltda. ("Constellation"), notifying that based on the capital stock of the Company represented by one hundred and fourteen million, three hundred and eighty-one thousand, seven hundred and sixteen (114,381,716) ordinary shares it has acquired a relevant ownership interest of 5.42% (five point forty-two percent) or of
6,204,600 (six million, two hundred and four thousand and six hundred) of outstanding shares issued by the Company.
According to the document this change is motivated by an exclusive investment decision, not seeking to alter the management structure of the company, ownership control or its regular operations.
The Company's Investor Relations Department is at shareholders' disposal to clarify any
matters relating to the purpose of this Notice through telephone number +55 11 3067-
0520/0312/0242 or ri@lopes.com.br.

LPS Brasil - Consultoria de Imóveis S.A.

Marcello Leone

Chief Financial and Investor Relations Officer

*" ---



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At.:Superinlentl ncia Ile ltela l)es com Em p r·eSIU

Sr. Fun11rnJO SOiJJ rfl Vkln

1"coJefone-: (li};)558568

C/c LPS Dn•il -CoomJJtorio de lm6.,ch SA.

liot.; Marcello t...:onc

l)i r hlr de Relaç6H ".om ln•·ti!lc.re e-mail: r lop s..eom. br

lderonr: (I l) 30157-0015

RcL Aqllilil iu de Aç.kS ordinliiriad;1 l.OI '..S BRASIL

Pr<:T.i:ldo S.:nhuoo!j,

A Coll 1cllarion lnv,.lìmenios t: Participaçòço; l.ld:;oo. t·Coi!Jiellatlcm''). i=ril;110 CNI'J sob o n• 06.1:82.12710001-SS. vem CUM lThfCA R 30 rrn:e:.n teo al q11e in••widoo-5 nan rc:;id<:nii!S fundos dinv 1mO:nln cfidoi pela CoM-tdhottool aJingimm a participa :Jo rekvan1e dc S..t2% (Il) roml dc açflcs ordin rias emitidas pela LPS UrQSil -Consultoria dt

1m<>·eis SA.equivalenn:., 6.2()4.600 a cs dcs.sa Clòplidi!!.Ressa.lta-5e quc 11 o.qmiçllo da panicipamencionada noo se lr>' .ta de al1eradc oonlrolc, mliS sim de imcslimcmo (jllt: ì'lia 1M1sca all.:rar a admi!Jisu Do,com io;io llo (()oolrole ou funciooamCillo da.Companhia.

Ruil Ollnmadas, 100 -5"(!ndar, g. 51, V1la Oi mplao, Siio Paulo l SP, CE.P 04551-000 8r

TPI: ll 4!i01-G000 Fax.55 LI 4501·0005


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