Leopalace21 Corporation announced that it introduced PKSHA Voicebot, an AI-powered speech dialog system, and KARAKURI chatbot, a tool with use of AI on February 27, 2023. The Company operators have mainly handled inquiries so far, which sometimes made it difficult for the tenants to get in touch with the operators during busy times. The use of AI technology enables the Company to respond to tenants' inquiries quickly and accurately 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Effects of the new services introduction: Quicker response time and more efficient operation, The use of voicebot and chatbot enables automatic answering, which improves the speed of responding to tenants' inquiries and provides most relevant answers. Service without interruption in the event of an emergency. Automatic answering by voicebot and chatbot ensures quick tenant support at any time.

It is robust enough to work in an emergency including disasters and it can also strengthen BCP measures.