AUGA group, AB has developed and presented the world’s first hybrid biomethane and electric tractor for professional farm use – AUGA M1. This is the company’s first step in offering technological solutions that will eliminate climate pollution throughout the food supply chain, from field to table, and allow food to be produced at no cost to nature. Climate pollution will be stopped by technology: According to scientists, agricultural activity is responsible for almost a quarter of all greenhouse gas pollution in the world. A large part of the emissions is due to the use of fossil fuels in agricultural machinery. According to the CEO of the Company, the technology developed in Lithuania will help to create a food production model around the world that will reduce damage caused to nature. According to him, the choice of biomethane as an alternative fuel was not accidental - it is one of the greenest types of biofuel. Methane, collected from livestock waste and converted to biomethane, offsets more emissions per unit of energy in its production and use cycle than it emits. Until now, sustainable fuel tractors delivered worldwide have not been suitable for professional farm work. Solutions invented by Lithuanian engineers: According to K. Jušcius, the hybrid AUGA M1 tractor is unique because it solves two main obstacles that have so far prevented the world’s large corporations from offering such equipment for professional use. The company's patented design allows the tractor to accommodate larger biomethane gas cylinders. The AUGA M1 tractor uses a hybrid biomethane-electric fuel system. When the tractor is running, an internal combustion engine powered by biomethane generates energy and transmits it directly to the electric motors that spin the wheels. The company’s patented design allows the tractor to accommodate larger biomethane gas cylinders. When operating under normal conditions that do not require high power, the tractor stores the generated energy reserve in the batteries. Such a system does not waste energy in low load conditions, uses a relatively small but efficient motor and is able to extract tremendous power when needed. These solutions allow the tractor to work for up to 12 hours. The second obstacle to the spread of biomethane-powered tractors is the underdeveloped biomethane refuelling station infrastructure. The Company solved this problem by offering quick and convenient gas cartridge replacement. The change will be created by the community: According to the CEO of AUGA group, while implementing the global strategy of agricultural technologies (AgTech), more solutions will be presented in the near future, which will ensure the sustainability of the entire food chain. The company’s specialists are currently developing other sustainable solutions for technologies that will eliminate carbon emissions from the soil and digestive process of cattle.