Glencore International Investments Limited plans to acquire unknown minority stake in PT Cita Mineral Investindo Tbk (IDX:CITA) from PT Harita Jayaraya Inc. on August 16, 2019. Transaction is subject to approval from concerned parties including the government authority. BNP Paribas SA (ENXTPA:BNP) acted as financial advisor to PT Harita Jayaraya Inc. Glencore International Investments Limited completed the acquisition of 18% stake in PT Cita Mineral Investindo Tbk (IDX:CITA) from PT Harita Jayaraya Inc. for IDR 1.2 trillion on December 18, 2019. Under the transaction, Harita Jayaraya completed the sale of approximately 606.73 million shares of PT Cita Mineral Investindo.