Enel Generación Peru S.A.A. announced earnings and operating results for the first quarter ended March 31, 2018. Operating revenues increased by $25 million, or 18.5%, in 2018. This increase is mostly explained by (i) $5 million in higher energy sales resulting from a higher demand (ii) $12 million increase in toll revenues due to more unregulated clients and (iii) a $8 million increase in provision for loss of profit due to a rotor damage in Ventanilla power plant. $1 million higher EBITDA mostly because of higher incomes from tolls and weather emergency compensation offset by energy purchase increase. Payments for additions of property, plant and equipment was $9 million against $16 million a year ago.

For the quarter, the company reported energy sales of 1,692 GWh compared to 2,143 GWh a year ago.