Yuen Shih Lee

Yuen Shih Lee

Net worth: 9 M $ as of 2024-03-30

Known holdings in public companies

CompanyDateNumber of sharesValuationValuation date
2023-05-28 10,678,200 ( 1.28% ) 4 M $ 2024-03-30
2023-09-03 1,779,000 ( 0.15% ) 2 M $ 2024-03-30
2023-03-08 1,350,766 ( 0.09% ) 2 M $ 2024-03-30
2023-03-16 451,250 ( 1.09% ) 949 579 $ 2024-03-30
2023-03-09 1,000,000 ( 0.28% ) 326 020 $ 2024-03-30