Pinera Echenique  Family

Pinera Echenique Family

Net worth: 58 M $ as of 2024-03-30

Known holdings in public companies

CompanyDateNumber of sharesValuationValuation date
2023-05-10 4,867,973 ( 5.14% ) 18 M $ 2023-12-30
2023-06-29 6,935,658 ( 3.82% ) 14 M $ 2024-03-30
2022-12-30 27,156,338 ( 9.19% ) 13 M $ 2024-03-30
2022-12-30 3,492,999 ( 5.77% ) 9 M $ 2024-03-30
2023-02-23 28,580,199 ( 7.08% ) 4 M $ 2024-03-30
  1. Stock Market
  2. Insiders
  3. Pinera Echenique Family