SC IMPACT DEVELOPER & CONTRACTOR SA with headquarter in the Volunatari City, Str. Pipera Tunari, no. 4C, Construdava Business Centre, 6th floor, Ilfov, Reg Com No. J23/1927/2006, CIF: RO155483,

In accordance with Law no. 297/2004 on Capital Market Regulation, with NSC Regulation no. 1/2006, BSE Code and with the Financial calendar for 2014, bring to the attention of investors the possibility to consult the Annual Report for 2013 Financial Year and also the Financial Statements for the year 2013, approved by the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders on 25.04.2014, at the company headquarter located in the Volunatari City, Str. Pipera Tunari, no. 4C, Construdava Business Centre, 6th floor, Ilfov County, starting on 28.04.2014, Monday to Friday, between 8.00 -16.30 and on the company website, the Financial Statements section.

For more details please call at tel. 021/230.75.70, or you can ask questions about these documents at mail address.


President of the Board of Directors

Iuliana Mihaela Urda

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